If you’d like further information about buycannabisonline.com and you can’t find it in our FAQs, please get in touch. Simply fill out the form, include your message, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Contact Info
30 South Avenue San Francisco
Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.
How do I Pay for the products
Browse through our store and add items you would like to our cart.
Checkout securely and safely using Interac e-transfer
Your order will be fulfilled and shipped once PAYMENT is RECEIVED. You will have a tracking number within 1-2 business days of sending payment.
If you do not send payment within 48 hours your order will regretfully be canceled
Are all Images real?
Yes, all of our images are taken by our own photographers and of our very own products. You may notice the product images changing over time to reflect new and different products.
Can I edit or cancel my order?
If you like to add or edit your order, we ask of you to make a brand new order with the correct adjustments and email us regarding your old order so we can cancel it.
If you want to cancel your order that is not processed yet, you ca go into the system and cancel .
Please email us at online.buycannabisonline.com with your order number being the subject line.
How are orders packaged
Cannabis is placed in a sealed bag and then vacuum sealed again before being placed in a box.